How to avoid ice-related slips, trips and falls
Prevention is key. Black ice can be hard to see, so always walk carefully on icy surfaces. Other ways to prevent falls include:
- Walk on designated walkways, especially those that have been treated for ice.
- Take shorter steps and walking slower.
- Wear proper footwear with lots of traction or ice spikes.
- Get rid of distractions when walking. Put your phone away and try not to carry heavy items.

How to treat injuries from slips and falls
If you slip on ice and fall, the first thing you should do is determine if you are hurt. Whether you think you are hurt or not, sit still for a few minutes to calm yourself and get your bearings, then take a moment to check your body for pain or injuries. If none seem to be present, try getting up slowly. If you’re with someone who fell and is unable to get up, call for help and keep him or her warm. If your own or someone else’s head hits the ground, or if it appears that a bone is broken, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately.
Even if you aren’t seriously injured, a bad fall can leave you bruised and achy for days. If you have a bad bruise or sore muscles, use the RICE Method:
REST – Stop any current activities and rest without moving or straightening the injured body part.
IMMOBILIZE – Immobilize the injured area.
COOL – Cool the injured area for up to 20 minutes of every hour for up to 48 hours, to reduce swelling and pain. Do not rub the ice or cold pack on the injured area. If you use ice, put some sort of thin, dry cloth or pad between it and the skin to avoid freezing it.
ELEVATE – Keep the injured area above the level of the heart, if possible.
Also remember that some injuries from falls may not show symptoms right away. If you don’t improve within a few days, call your doctor or your care provider.
How to recognize a fracture or a sprain
If you observe any of the following symptoms, call 911 immediately:
- Deformity, swelling, hematoma or bruising at the site of the injury
- Pain or difficulty in moving the body part
- Shortening, twisting, or bending of the limb
- A broken bone or bone fragments sticking out of the skin
- The sound of a snap or a pop when the injury happened
- A sensation or sound of bones grating.
- Limited or no use of the injured body part
- Possible muscle cramps
- Numbness or tingling
If you have a concussion
A concussion can result from even a seemingly minor bump, blow, or jolt, and may be difficult to recognize because the signs and symptoms may not be immediately obvious. The most common ones are confusion, difficulty concentrating or remembering things, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and irritability. A person does not need to become unresponsive to have a concussion. If you suspect you have a concussion, even a mild one, it is important to seek medical care.