What are emotions? Why do we have them? And how can they help us? Would you like to learn more about your emotions and how to manage them more effectively?
Join the North Shore Primary Care Network Mental Health Clinician team for a five-week interactive workshop tailored to help participants explore and gain a deeper understanding of their emotions. Throughout the workshop, participants will learn to embrace their emotions and recognize their significance in shaping daily experiences.

19+ adults connected to the PCN Mental Health Clinician Team
10 spots available
Email nspcnmhst@vch.ca to register, or ask your Family Physician or Nurse Practitioner to refer you to the program.
By registering, you confirm that your primary care provider is connected to the Primary Care Network and you are at least 19 years old.
The North Shore Primary Care Network’s Mental Health Support Team will contact you by phone to conduct a prescreen to confirm your registration in the workshop.
* If you have already been referred to the PCN mental health clinicians and have questions regarding your registration or appointment scheduling please
call their office directly at 604-328-0987
See what past participants in previous workshops think about their experience.

“I enjoyed the workshop, and learned many coping skills!”
“I valued the handouts and worksheets I received as part of the workshop. They helped me when I felt stuck.”
“Hearing other people’s experience and thoughts on topics was very insightful and reassuring.”